This topic is devoted to STEM in general and engineering and computing in particular.

  • Computer Science Curriculum and Career
    • This section presents the computer science (CS) discipline from academic and industrial perspectives. The articles in this section are written for those planning to study CS, and in particular, those who are novice programmers.
  • Programming Languages and Paradigms
    • This section presents programming languages and their respective programming paradigms. The articles in this section are written for STEM practitioners who program, and especially, those who are experienced programmers.
  • Artificial Intelligence
    • This section explores artificial intelligence (AI) and its constituent topics, machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL).
  • Information Technology Industry
    • This section presents the information technology (IT) industry from an insider’s point of view. It is intended for those entering the industry or those climbing the career ladder.
  • History of Computing Devices
    • This section presents the design, construction, uses, and histories of various computing devices, including 8-bit home computers, RPN calculators, and slide rules.
  • Writing in STEM
    • This section is about technical writing in general and specifically in STEM. Topics range from drafting lab reports and term papers to peer-reviewed papers and books.
  • Gender Bias in STEM
    • This article examines gender bias and sexist attitudes that permeate STEM fields, especially the IT sector, and how an enlightened society can eradicate such injustice.