The Computer Science Discipline
In this section, I describe the computer science (CS) discipline from academic and industrial perspectives.
- Computer Science Curriculum
- This article gives an overview of the computer science curriculum. It is aimed primarily at parents and counsellors advising a graduating high-schooler. The secondary audience is the high-schooler who is contemplating a career as a computer scientist.
- Computer Science Career
- This article gives guidance on careers in computer science. The intended audience is computer science undergraduate and graduate students.
- clrs: Implementations and Commentaries of Algorithms in Jupyter Notebooks
- This project implements some of the interesting algorithms (mostly graphs) described in the textbook Introduction to Algorithms (4ed 2022) by Professors Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein (CLRS 4ed). The Python programmes and the associated explanations are presented as Jupyter notebook interactive documents. The intended audience is computer science undergraduate students taking a course on algorithms and IT practitioners interested in learning algorithm design, analysis, and implementation.
- pfd: Purely Functional Data Structures in Elm Programming Language
- This project reimplements in Elm the data structures presented in the book Purely Functional Data Structures by Professor Okasaki (1999). Okasaki first published this material in 1996 in his PhD dissertation at CMU. The book provides Standard ML and Haskell implementations. The target audience is the computer science undergraduate students studying functional programming.